Sendit - College Chat


Connect with your college community.

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Connect with your college community

Stay up-to-date with what's happening on campus and connect with your college community. Whether you're looking to make new friends, join conversations about hot topics, or share your own thoughts and experiences, Sendit gives you a space to connect with others.

Post and poll

Start discussions with your peers by creating customized posts and polls. Share your thoughts, ask questions, or share fun facts and interesting tidbits to engage with your community in a variety of ways.

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Customize your experience

Choose to post anonymously or with your profile, depending on your comfort level and desired level of engagement. You can still join in the conversation anonymously, or use your profile to build your reputation on campus and connect with others.

Explore what's happening

Discover what other Sendit communities across the country are discussing through the explore map. Find out what's happening at other colleges and universities, or see what topics are trending across the platform.


Global polls and trending posts

Participate in global polls and spark discussions in the comments. See what's trending in the past 24 hours to stay on top of the latest news and buzz.

Connect with others

Your Sendit profile is your chance to showcase your personality, interests, and contributions to the college community. Upload your profile picture, graduation year, and college, and start making posts and comments to build your reputation. See how many likes you've received on your posts and comments, and grow your following on campus.


Stay in the loop

Customize your notifications to make sure you never miss a beat. Receive notifications when your posts are liked, comments are left on your posts, and when a user follows you. Stay connected and up-to-date with your community's activity on your terms.

Sendit is growing

Available at select colleges and universities across the country, Sendit makes it easy to connect with your peers and stay up-to-date with what's happening on your campus.

Georgia Institute of Technology
Oglethorpe University
Emory University
Morehouse College
Kennesaw State University
Georgia State University
University of Alabama
Georgia Southern University
University of Georgia